Give us your opinion and maybe it will finally put an end to this issue.
Abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy. Does it apply only to the woman and is it just a medical operation? Or is it a sin and murder?

Express your opinion on the portal "zaprotiv.com" and maybe it will finally put an end to this issue.

  • Does a child's life begin at the moment of conception? Or until a certain stage of development it is, roughly speaking, just a part of the body of its mother, which she is free to dispose of at her discretion?

  • Does society have the right to interfere with a person's decision to have an abortion? Or is it just one of the medical operations in which (as with any other surgical procedure) all issues are resolved between doctor and patient?

  • Is abortion a sin, a murder and a crime?

  • Is the doctor performing the abortion an accessory to murder? Or is it just an operation? After all, unlike any other operation, the physician must destroy a life, and a completely defenseless, powerless and innocently suffering one at that.

Between these points of view unfolds a dramatic confrontation and clash of different positions, approaches and evaluations. So important and dramatic that they are spilling out onto the streets, in the form of mass demonstrations, rallies and demonstrations. Rallies "Pros" and "Cons" abortion take place in almost all countries of the world.
Give us your opinion and maybe it will finally put an end to this issue.